Trauma Treatment + Recovery

in The Woodlands, TX

Corporate Workshops


In addition to our psychiatric and counseling services in The Woodlands, TX, we offer a host of workshops geared toward your corporate team that will help you increase the performance of your staff and improve overall productivity and morale. Take a look at our full list of workshops:


Making the Shift: A Whole Brain Approach to Problem Solving

The ability to gain access to right brain functioning is an essential skill in problem solving and creative thinking. Developing and gaining practice with this skill is valuable to anyone engaged in a broad range of creative activity, such as writing, the visual arts, advertising, but especially in new process and product development. Creative blocks are common and occur when creative activity remains a matter of conscious effort (left brain activity) and the shift from left to right brain fails.


Create, and Innovate! Think Like Leonardo da Vinci… A Workshop to Enhance Creativity

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most brilliant innovators, artists, and thinkers of all time. His glorious paintings such as the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper and his work on proportion and symmetry have inspired generations. His architectural designs and innovations were centuries ahead of their time. Da Vinci was the quintessential thinker and Renaissance Man.


Overweight? Lose Weight Without a Diet

Overeating is a response to stress rather than to hunger. In this workshop we will learn and practice new psychological strategies including clinical hypnosis to un-learn the pattern of using food as a way to relieve stress. The usual diet and exercise approaches are not part of this program.


Dr. Peter Berndt and his associates offer psychological services in The Woodlands, Texas.  Please contact Dr. Berndt for more information. We will travel to your location.

Also click here to visit our Human Potential Project website.