Here are some random thoughts about therapy…
Every patient has within herself a physician or healer that is much more competent than the best psychotherapist.
As the patient hears herself speak in therapy her mind listens and reconfigures itself, at its own pace, into a more integrated whole.
The historical details of past trauma are often forgotten consciously but the body will always remember.
A good therapist is primarily a listener who supplies the patient with a non-judgemental space to speak into.
Therapy is an primarily an educational process that supports the patient’s own inner therapist. .
The only way out of past trauma is to talk it out over and over until all the feelings connected with the trauma are completely spent.
Sometimes the things that cause us most trouble with others are unacknowledged issues within ourselves.
If you wish to start a revolution start with changing your inner self.
When there is a conflict between will and feelings it is feelings that always win.
Mother Nature is very generous but she gives you only two choices in some areas. One of these is in the area of relationships. You can try to have it your way always or you can have good relationships. You can have only one of two alternatives but not both. You choose.